Фото Петербург в штрихах




St. Petersburg was founded on May 27, 1703, on the lands which had historically belonged to Novgorod the Great. Peter I, the founder of St. Petersburg, intended to reform the economy of Russia and establish close economic, cultural and technical cooperation with more developed European countries. The capital of the Russian State since 1712, St. Petersburg was meant to play a special role of the country’s centre of science, culture, industry and transportation. St. Petersburg is the second (after Moscow) largest city of the Russian Federation and the administrative center of the Northwest Federal District, the only Russian region, having a lengthy border with the EU countries. The area of the city is 606 km2, totaling 1439 km2 with the nearest suburbs, located on the low-lands, lying along the River Neva and the Gulf of Finland. The length from the North to the South is 44 km, from the West to the East – 25 km. The population of the city is 5.123 million people (3,2% of the total population of Russia), In 2013 according to the Finance Act (everything specified) the revenues of the city amounted to RUR 380.8 billion (US$11.64 billion, 8.48 billion Euros), expenses amounted to RUR 405.8 billion. (US$ 12.4 billion, EUR 9.03 billion). The actual figures on the reporting date (December 1, 2013) are as follows: revenues – RUR 391.1 billion (around US$ 11.96 billion, EUR 8.71 billion), expenses – RUR 426.6 billion. (around US$ 13.04 billion, EUR 9.5 billion.). The budget deficit contracted to RUR 35.4 billion. The city has a well-developed infrastructure, uniting public and business sectors in economy, scientific and social spheres. In 2013 according to early outlook the inner industrial growth (IIG) amounted to RUR 2 599.7 billion, (US$ 79.5 billion, EUR 57.8 billion). The organizations’ turnover in all types of economic activities was equal to RUR 6 505 billion (US$ 198.9 billion, EUR 144.8 billion). In 2013 industrial growth rates were higher than average within Russia. The Industrial Production Index was 89.7% (versus 2012), reaching 98,4% in processing industry. The processing industry supplied products being RUR 2 133 billion worth (98,1% to the level of 2012). The city is involved in extensive foreign economic activities: in 2013 it traded with 193 countries. In January-December 2013 St. Petersburg foreign trade amounted to US$ 54 billion (nonregistering turnover with Customs Union’s countries). St. Petersburg companies exported goods being US$ 19.1 billion worth ST. PETERSBURG Reference Information4 5 to 167 countries (in comparison with 2012 the export volume decreased by 7,4%). The import volume also decreased 3%, totaling US$ 34.9 billion. The major trade partners of St. Petersburg in 2013 were: China, Germany, Finland, Netherlands, Japan, Korea, and Great Britain. The major trade partners of St. Petersburg among CIS countries were: Belarus, Ukraine, Uzbekistan and Azerbaijan. In 2013 St. Petersburg also traded with the Customs Union’s countries: Belarus and Kazakhstan. In 2013 1217 large and medium-sized companies involving foreign capital operated in the city. St. Petersburg pays much attention to its cooperation with partner-cities and regions of the foreign countries. Nowadays 91 foreign cities and 27 foreign regions have bilateral agreements on cooperation with St. Petersburg. The city has 64 foreign Consulates, the offices of 24 regions and 2 cities of Russian Federation. The following international organizations are represented in St. Petersburg: the CIS Inter-parliamentary Assembly, the Information Bureau of the Nordic Council of Ministers, offices of international funds and unions and UN organizations. The city hosts branches of international institutes of culture, such as the German Goethe Institute, the French Institute, the Institute of Finland, the Dutch Institute, the Danish Cultural Institute, the Israeli Cultural center, the Italian Cultural Institute. St. Petersburg also hosts the Polish House and the House of Finland, representative offices of Stockholm and Helsinki. The expansion of economic cooperation is boosted by the foreign Chambers of Commerce and Business centers.


An efficient way of developing international and foreign trade relations of St. Petersburg is participation of its representatives in the work of international regional organizations. St. Petersburg is a member of the Union of Baltic Cities, the Baltic Metropolis Network, Organization for Sub-Regional Cooperation of the Baltic Sea States, the Baltic Sea Tourism Commission. The city cooperates with such inter-state organizations as: the Council of the Baltic States and Nordic Council of Ministers as well as the Forum of the Coastal Regions of Europe, the Baltic Development Forum, and the Baltic Sea Chambers of Commerce Association. Since 1998, St. Petersburg has been an associated member of the International Association of Congress Centers. In 2009, St. Petersburg joined the European Coalition of Cities against Racism. The St. Petersburg hotel complex consists of 687 venues (including mini-hotels and hostels) providing 28,0 rooms. In 2013 St. Petersburg was visited by 6,2 million Russian tourists (1% growth as compared to 2012). St. Petersburg has one airport and five railway stations. On December 4, 2013 the new Terminal 1 at Pulkovo Airport began operations. The first flight was carried to Dusseldorf by Rossiya Airlines at 10:30 am. The total area of the terminal exceeds 110,000 sq. m and it has a maximum capacity of 17 million passengers per year. The regional airline routes go from the Atlantic to the Pacific Oceans and cover more than 150 cities of the world. The «Rossiya airlines» OJSC, registered in St. Petersburg, has its offices in dozens of foreign cities. There are sea trade and passenger ports as well as a river port, operating in the city. St. Petersburg sea port is one of the largest ports in Russia being a world-wide dynamic, modern and multifunctional center, the largest transportation hub in the North-West of Russia. The port has a favorable geographical location, being situated on the islands of the Neva river delta, in the eastern part of the Baltic Sea, which allows to substantially decrease transportation, transit and other costs. The port is connected with the Sea by the Marine Channel, stretching for 27 sea miles, providing a year-round navigation. The city has connections with the other world ports through 18 regular lines. St. Petersburg is a major transit center with two Euro-Asian transport corridors going through it – “North-South” and “Transsib”, a pan-European transport corridor № 9, and the European highway E-18, spanning Scandinavia with the center of Russia. St. Petersburg is a major center of the world and the Russian culture. It has accumulated a unique cultural and historic heritage, more than 80% of the landmarks of the XVIII-XIX centuries. According to UNESCO, St. Petersburg ranks 8th in the list of the most popular and attractive world cities, and it is no wonder because it was created by the genius of the best architects and builders from Russia, Italy, France, 6 7 Germany, Holland, Sweden. It is hard to name a European country, architects and builders of which have not been working in St. Petersburg. 36 complexes, uniting about 4000 outstanding landmarks of architecture, history and culture on St. Petersburg territory, are included into the UNESCO World Heritage List. There are 693 public educational institutions, bringing together 389 thousand children. St. Petersburg is a major Russian centre of science and education, accumulating more than 10% of its scientific capacity. It hosts more than 320 science and research organizations, including more than 65 research institutions of the Russian Academy of Sciences and other state academies, more than 250 state institutions, involved in research and development, 10 state research centers. More than 186thousand specialists work in scientific and higher educational institutions, including 8 thousand Doctors of Sciences and 28 thousand Candidates of Sciences. The system of higher and secondary vocational education includes 40 public civil universities, 44 private universities, 29 public and 5 private vocational colleges (including structural divisions of universities, providing vocational training). The total number of students involved in all kinds of education types is 345 thousand people.

INFO DATA St. Petersburg is located at the eastern tip of the Gulf of Finland. Geographical coordinates of the city center are 59° 57' North latitude and 30° 19' East longitude. St. Petersburg, situated at the junction of sea, river and land routes, is the Russia’s gateway to Europe, its strategic center and the closest city to the European Union countries. Inland waters cover about 10% of the city. Area (with administratively subordinated territories) covers 1439 km?. Population is 5 million and 123,6 thousand people (as of 1 December 2013 according to Petrostat data). St. Petersburg is the second (after Moscow) largest city of the Russian Federation and the third largest city (after Moscow and London) in Europe. St. Petersfurg is the administrative center of the North-West Federal District, which has significant natural resource potential, highly developed industry and dense transportation network, providing links of the Russian Federation with the outside world through sea ports in the Baltic and the Arctic Ocean. The city hosts the following institutions: • The Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation; • regional offices of federal ministries and departments; • representation of 24 entities and 2 cities in the Russian Federation; • 64 consular offices of foreign countries; • offices of international organizations: CIS Inter-Parliamentary Assembly, Inter-Parliamentary Assembly of the Eurasian Economic Community, the Information Office of the Nordic Council of Ministers, representatives of international organizations, funds and associations, UN agencies and representative offices and branches of international banks. • offices of international cultural institutions: the Goethe German Cultural Center, the French Institute, the Finnish Institute, the Dutch Institute, the Danish Cultural Institute, the Israeli Cultural Center and the Italian Cultural Institute. • Poland’s House and Finnish House, representative of Stockholm and Helsinki; • Representatives of chambers of commerce and business centers of foreign countries.

Culture St. Petersburg has significant historical and cultural heritage that ensures social stability and harmonization of interethnic and interfaith relations, promotes the creative potential and spiritual development of the individual and society as a whole. Culture makes an important contribution to the city economic revitalization, creating jobs, attracting investments and developing new sectors - cultural tourism and creative industries. St. Petersburg is the cultural center of global importance, wherein are housed 8,464 objects of cultural heritage (historical and cultural monuments), including the 4,213 objects of cultural heritage of federal importance, comprising nearly 10% of all the State-protected monuments within the Russian Federation. The city has a strong network of cultural institutions: museums, theaters, libraries, art galleries and concert halls. Namely, thanks to the Hermitage, the Marinsky Theatre, National Library of Russia, the Russian Museum, Peter and Paul Fortress, the Maly Drama Theatre and St. Isaac's Cathedral St. Petersburg is among ten the most attractive cities to visit in the world. The historic center of St. Petersburg is on the UNESCO World Heritage List. Culture is the strategic potential of St. Petersburg as multifunctional city of European standards integrated into Russian and world economy.

Innovation area Today, St. Petersburg is not only a scientific and educational center of Russia, but also one of the leading innovation-active regions of the country. Number of organizations involved in research and development, as well as the number of researchers is growing every year. In 2011, according to statistics, there were about 350 such organizations and more than 80 thousand researchers. Furthermore, in 2012 in St. Petersburg were founded 190 advanced manufacturing technologies. At all St. Petersburg enterprises are used more than 5,000 previously founded advanced manufacturing technologies, the majority (45.6%) of them at processing enterprises. According to the innovative development rates made by National Research University “Higher School of Economy” St. Petersburg is in the 2nd place and Moscow is in the 1st .

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